Well there is actually a soccer program at Maya's young age. Unbelievable. I grew up playing soccer with my Mother as the coach for our travel league. Back in the day - Good Lord - girls' leagues ended at 16 years old. At that point I started coaching and loved it. One of the age groups I coached was the earliest at 5-6 years old co-ed. So I was shocked that they now start them this young. Soccer is a stretch. At the first practice, Maya just stepped on the ball and now is a future goalie only wanting to pick it up. Still it is adorable watching all of these little people try to figure it all out. And - let's face it - it's all about the outfit. I mean seriously - how cute is this uniform all the way down to little Miss' ankles??? It doesn't get any better.
Maya will be 16 months old next week and tomorrow we are home 7 months. To think of all that has changed. Maya sleeps now. Even though she has for months I'm still surprised each morning. Now - she laughs and smiles and loves and kisses. I look at her and wonder if there is any sign of remembrance of her first months. What if any memories will stay with her as she gets older. I think about her biological Mother. On Maya's birthday, I thought about her Mother a lot. I thanked her for having the courage to have Maya and the maturity to do what was best for her. When Maya gets older and understands, we will have a "ritual" for lack of a better word to remember her Mother on Maya's birthday and hopefully give Maya a healthy appreciation for her biological Mother. I haven't figured out yet quite what this ritual will be - any ideas??? I do wish somehow her Mother could know that she is a happy, happy, smart kid and so loved not just by me but her whole extended family. One of the best gifts we received when we returned home was a beautiful picture frame and inside a note that s
aid Maya Marie Welcome to the Family. We love you and can't wait to meet you! This was from my cousin and her family.
Maya speaks her native Russian (at least in my world she does) - she nods her head and says "Da, da" - in her always emphatic tone. We're working on "Niyet" but a vigorous shake of the head gets the point across.