Darhan approaches,
"I'm goin' in"....
"Oh good I think she's into it"....
But my girl is no fool. She's playing the field. A few minutes later, she CRAWLED from our mat over to Muras' mat. But no kissing. That would be rude, Darhan is watching.
Hate to say it but an even bigger moment than my daughter's first sloppy kiss was my internet connection being down for over 24 hours. You would think it was heroin. I am sure Beehet and Gusanna were ready to commit me to the nearest asylum. "Can we go to the cable place now?" "How 'bout now?" "Can we go now?" Thank God for their patience with the neurotic American.
The other families are going to court tomorrow, they seemed anxious. The conversation during playtime went to whether or not each of us wanted a second child and would we come back here or go to another country. All said we wanted a second child, long pause, and the now universally known look among us........the money. I said I hoped to own Maya out right by her third birthday. Danielle said a friend of hers is adopting their second from China and is naming her "Equity".
I'm learning some new Russian words like the word for what or how is "kak" How are you? "Kak dala?" After I say something, Beehet will say to Gusanna "kak?kak?" Now here's the kicker. It is pronounced "cock". "Cock? Cock?" I asked Gusanna if she knew what that word means in English. She blushed. Guess she does.
We had lunch at yet another great Kazak restaurant. Love the Borscht! We talked about the culture some more. The predominant religion is Muslim. Beehet and Gusanna are Muslim. A small percentage are Russian Orthadox and believe it or not, Catholic. Beehet told me that they do not eat Pork. Pork is to them as Horse is to me. Beehet smiled and told me Maya is never allowed to eat pork. Well I can promise she won't eat horse.
Tomorrow everyone will be at court but we have a new family to play with. A nice couple from Dallas are adopting a pretty little girl - Alyssa. I think Maya will be disappointed that there won't be any boys to tease.
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